Do you want to see perfect scores and reviews for your property on TripAdvisor, Yelp, Google, and other review sites? Maybe not.
Our research shows that perfect scores and glowing reviews are sometimes met with skepticism, especially if the sample size is alarmingly small. To be sure, nobody is perfect and consumers are looking for honesty, transparency, and responsiveness. Simply put, an online review profile of a 4.5 star rating based on 150 reviews is far more attractive than a perfect 5.0 rating and 10 reviews. And, consumers consider you in the context of your competition; that 4.5 rating/150 reviews looks especially great in a geographic competitive market where properties receive an average of 120 reviews, but not so great in a market where properties have an average of 300 reviews.
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After a thorough analysis of all the data we've collected over the past 10 years, across all of our clients and properties, we found patterns and trends that led us to re-imagine the reporting of our proprietary Fan Value Score (FVS) loyalty metric. In the past, we reported each guest's FVS as a real number. The data suggested that the Fan Value Score for an individual guest is best expressed as one of five scores; +2, +1, 0, -1, -2.
+2 guests are your true-est fans (and will most likely impact your future business positively through repeat stays, recommendations, reviews), whereas -2's are are of most concern. These loyalty segments afford new targeted marketing opportunities for you; please refer to the attached document for a more thorough description of the new Fan Value Segmentation Scoring and new applications. |
The blog of Database Sciences and its CX platform, GuestInsight
June 2022
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